
What is Contrail?

Contrail 159 was sent out by email and by post on 1st and 10th March 2024 respectively.

If you are due to receive a copy and you haven’t received it yet then please contact our membership secretary, Duncan Boulton.

All our members will now probably be aware of the financial crisis facing the Association in these difficult times, with the parent organisations of CAA and NATS having removed their subsidy, and there is an urgent need to reduce our expenditure in every possible way.  The costs involved in printing and posting CONTRAIL is considerable and we would be most grateful if members who have internet access would agree to receiving copies by e-mail attachment.   This will require us to maintain an accurate e-mail address list, since they tend to be changed occasionally.

If you are prepared to receive it by this means could you please confirm your e-mail address to and include your name and pension number (this is available on your on your pension slip). We have already undertaken a survey of those retired members who live abroad with a high success rate and agreement.

Please be assured that this information will be secure and will not be passed to any other organisation.

"Contrail" is the Magazine of the CAA/NATS Retired Staff Association.

Copies of the previous year’s “all members” Contrails on this webpage are now available to view, see below.
If you would like copies of Contrail, back to 2007, then please contact the editor

June 2023

Contrail delivering to you

We have been undertaking a review of Contrail delivery, based on the original forms supplied. The RSA is grateful for all of you that have agreed to receive the newsletter electronically, thus saving the Association money. If you think that you are not getting the correct type of Contrail delivery according to your wishes on the form you signed (email or through the post), it is very likely that this will now have been corrected but if you would like to make sure of your options, please send an email to stating your preference for yourself (and your partner if appropriate).

Please also include your initials, surname and postcode with the email since it is sometimes difficult to identify members from just a surname or an email address.

Past editions of Contrail

Only “all members” editions are accessible here.
To receive all editions you need to subscribe.

External Links

No further editions of NATS Pulse have been produced. However you may wish to use the links below to follow what’s going on in NATS, the CAA and HIAL.


The RSA use a third party organisation to carry out the e-mail distribution of Contrail in a similar way as we have, for years, used Creeds to distribute the hard copy version. One of the benefits of the electronic distribution is that the distributor sets a flag in their system when Contrail is downloaded by the recipient. This allows a reminder to be send after a short period of time to those who have not made the download.

A very small number of members (less than 0.4%) raised this reminder process as a nuisance or a misuse of their personal data. As a consequence the reminder process was discontinued pending an investigation.

The result of the investigation, by reference to the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulations updated to 2021, is as follows:

Purpose Test
The data, individual e-mail address, is provided by members to the RSA to facilitate communication between the RSA and the membership of both a general and a specific nature and to allow the distribution of Contrail either quarterly or yearly depending on the type of membership.
Necessity Test
The RSA needs to monitor the success in delivering Contrail to members.
Balancing Test
The monitoring of the downloaded status is entirely within the distributors system and does not involve any form of monitoring of individual e-mail addresses. The alternative would involve asking members to confirm delivery individually

It is therefore within Article 6(1)(f) Legitimate Interest.
However, The RSA acknowledges the right for members to object to the process.
Members may opt out of the Reminder Process by sending an e-mail instruction to
The RSA has a duty to remind the membership of the legal obligations to protect the personal data of members that is held in order to keep in touch. The data held is the minimum required to maintain the communication path.

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